Track Review: Known // Daisy Harris


Daisy Harris pens a ballad for the ages on ‘Known’. Teaming up with her cousin on the production, Davoli and Harris hone in on heartbreak and the harsh transparency of hindsight.

This song comes as one of the more productive and beautiful side effects of having a broken heart. Her ability to tell stories across many different mediums displays her multifaceted talents allowing her to feel connected to other people. The miscellany of vocals, piano and guitar showcases Daisy’s organic musical alchemy. ‘Known’ implores you to indulge in the beauty of fleeting, albeit transformative, moments.

Her delicate timbre and candid lyrics echo through the verses illustrating the aching she dares to reveal: “Are you lost? / The way I am lost / I learned to sing / Just to sing your name.” Daisy hails from Scotland but began carving her career in England where she also studies drama. Her soft indie-pop approach to music amplifies her persona, in turn strengthening her sense of empathy.

There is no rest for the wicked as Daisy released her album Tornado Dreams earlier this year. ‘Known’ is the second single from her upcoming EP, Forest Girl Rock, which will be released on 9 December.

Words by Nikki Raymond

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