Track Review: Isombard // Declan McKenna


To be socially in tune with the world around you is one thing, but being able to translate that level of consciousness into a piece of music requires a certain skillset, and it appears Declan McKenna has cracked it. McKenna, who’s no stranger to producing politically rich and emotive lyrics, has once again excelled in drawing attention to how the media can be so negatively influential.

Isombard delves into the details of a fictional, but not so unimaginable, media situation where police brutality and xenophobia are being used in order to achieve political aims, a scenario that’s doused in unjust actions and social arrogance.

When music can be used as a platform for challenging forms of injustice and holding those in power to account, it begs the question why aren’t more musicians using their position to bring about change. Kudos to Declan; if he can carry on producing content of this level then the world truly is his oyster.

You can catch Declan McKenna on tour supporting Blossoms in October.


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