Track Review: Hipp // The Boy I Used to Be


Portsmouth trio The Boy I Used to Be play uplifting, sun drenched garage pop. Influenced by the likes of Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Cloud Nothings, their captivating live show has seen them play festivals such as Blissfield and Green Man. The band recently released a new track, ‘Hipp’ off the Somber Party EP, due out in November.

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‘Hipp’ contains a beautiful, infectious chord progression with some blissful guitars. The mesh of distortion compliments the track, putting the listener in a trance. Ed Perry’s hypnotic vocals work really nicely, adding to the relaxing feel.

The track is a strong taster of what the EP will sound like. If you like indie rock with a laid back vibe, then you should definitely check this out.

Words by Ermis Madikopoulos


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