Track Review: In Flux // Grace Beneath The Pines


Describing their style as “ambient intergalactic indie rock”, Polish group Grace Beneath The Pines perfectly sum up the vibe of their self-titled debut album with ‘In Flux’, a highly atmospheric, instrumental-heavy track heightened by low, gravely vocals that will have you basking in an aura of 90s soft rock.

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With a consistent heavy drum beat and dependable riff, it can’t be denied that – by the end of its 5 minutes and 27 seconds – the track does become a little repetitive. It doesn’t make any huge, bursting progressions, and it can’t be described as bringing anything groundbreaking to the table. Perhaps, though, that’s simply the nature of ambient music; something inoffensive and not too experimental, but a gentle, calm stream of sound, and that’s exactly what ‘In Flux’ manages to achieve.

Words by Amie Bailey



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