Track Review: Elsewhere // Heyrocco


If your heart is crying out for some ‘Disney grunge’, Heyrocco reckon they’re your guys. Hailing from South Carolina, Nathan, Taco and Cool are slowly building their following, with just over 5000 likes on Facebook and 2000 followers on Twitter. ‘Elsewhere’ is taken from the forthcoming album Teenage Movie Soundtrack and before even pressing play, the thumbnail of the music video speaks volumes: from the camera quality right through to the cosmic backdrop, everything about this single is a 90s throwback, and possibly not in the best way.


Something about the gravelly vocals and repetitive riff is rather likeable, and the likes of Weezer and Wheatus definitely send their echoes loud and clear. That said, a lot of the track just feels a bit noisey. Whilst it does grow on you after a few plays, a listen to some other tracks like ‘American Tourist’ show that their sound – whilst somewhat inconsistent in style –  does have some very good prospects.

If 1990s American soft rock bands are your thing, Heyrocco are certainly ones to watch. ‘Elsewhere’ might just be trying a little too hard.

Words by Amie Bailey
[Photo by @piczo]


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