Track Review: Eels // Great White Underground


Garage and indie rock band Great White Underground are an exciting new addition to the music scene in Bradford and Leeds. Unsigned and inexperienced, the four piece’s track ‘Eels’ is upbeat and full of energetic guitar playing, as well as upfront, confident vocals, much like the sound of Miles Kane – only not a solo artist, but with a great band backing it.

The band appear on the ‘Leeds Music Scene’ website, and I speculate that these young talents will be making an impact on more than just that scene, but many across the UK soon enough. With 12 gigs in Leeds alone under their belt, Great White Underground are just starting on what looks like a journey to ever-increasing popularity, and ‘Eels’ is our taster of what that popularity is going to sound like. Previously released songs on SoundCloud ‘Golden Deceiver’ and ‘Through My Veins’ are also archetype examples of indie rock – these kids certainly know what they’re doing.

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The next place to catch the band is at 360 Club in Leeds on 29th May; seeing ‘Eel’s live in action, as well as other great tracks, is not something you don’t want to miss out on.

Words by Hannah Campbell


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