Track Review: Easier Said // Sunflower Bean


There are few things more exciting than when a band from elsewhere slowly becomes ingrained within the British indie music scene. Enter Sunflower Bean, New York’s coolest, newest and youngest psychedelic indie-pop three-piece. Their newest single ‘Easier Said’ from their exceptional debut album Human Ceremony is stunning, crafted precisely with intense dream-pop elements, hazy vocals and deep but ambiguous lyrics.

‘Easier Said’ is dreamy yet unrelenting; at its core is the original grungy psych-pop sound Sunflower Bean have perfected in such a relatively short period of time. Julia’s soft, almost falsetto vocals accompany the overlaying guitar parts, allowing the flow of the song to occur naturally and so delicately. The choruses, which are reached gradually, are built with the repetition of the line, “Easier said than done, I heard you right the first time.” This line also brings the song to a gentle end.

The place of ‘Easier Said’ on the album is interesting as beneath loud, psychedelic tracks stands this melancholy piece; the album as a whole benefits so much from this gentle break in tempo. On its own it is lovely. This song stands as the sole proof that Sunflower Bean are capable of so much, and I cannot wait to hear it all.

Words by Caitlin O’Connor


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