Track Review: Don’t Walk // Indigo Sky


Do you ever stop to wonder what music would be without the North West? Adding to the intricate history of Northern alternative-indie rock are Indigo Sky, a five piece formed as teenage friends. Their new single ‘Don’t Walk’ is an explosive emotional number, crafted in a way to expose the wealth of talent this band has and declaring, rightfully so, that Indigo Sky are ones to look out for.

The track opens with an introduction that would not be out of place on a record by The Cure. Indeed, this song pioneers a type of indie sound that brings ‘80s influences to a modern way of making music. The levels of its production elevate every detail of the song: the poignant but off the cuff lyrics, the bass-led verses, the gentle guitar riff that circles the track. The subtle grandeur this song hails is a signature trait of the band.

The intensifying middle explodes to a climatic end, with harmonies of “You walk away,” projected over crashing drums. Above anything else, this charming song would be the perfect introduction to the band.

Check out the band’s Soundcloud and YouTube (where you will soon find this song’s video), and Facebook for tour information.

Words by Caitlin O’Connor


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