Track Review: Dead Born Little Sister // Hackmonocut


‘Dead Born Little Sister’ is the prelude from Austrian singer, Hackmonocut, to his second album The Sum of My Parts, set for release this summer. Set to be even darker than In the Land of the Basement Hobby Rooms, his previous record, this latest track features the same signature distorted guitars and Hackmonocut’s recognisable melancholic drawl as the latter.

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‘Dead Born Little Sister’ is a macabre tale of darkness that carries with it a lineage of the likes of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds in Hackmonocut’s sultry and deep vocal style. Self-described as a creating ‘dark and feral’, ‘alternative rock noir’ music, this song certainly does not deviate from the style he has spent the past year cultivating during his live shows in Austria. To listen to this track, is to fall into a world of vampiric Gothic Romanticism, and it’s a world I’d willingly surrender my blood to.

To find out more about Hackmonocut, you can check out his Twitter and Facebook.

Words by Issy Marcantonio28


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