Track Review: Cruise Control // IS TROPICAL


IS TROPICAL, a four-piece band originating from London, is on the road to releasing their third full length album, Black Anything. Not wanting to take the traditional route in releasing the album, the band decided to release two tracks at a time on five transparent vinyls, each displaying the continent in which they wrote and recorded the tracks in. After each vinyl is out and stacked on top of each other, a globe will be portrayed, signifying the album as a whole work of art.

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Their newest song, ‘Cruise Control’, from the second vinyl installment, features Kirstie Fleck’s voice, which has a Lana Del Rey-esque vibe. The vocals are mellow and phlegmatic yet sexy and attractive, paired with a melody that begs the listener to sing along as they drive down the highway on a melancholy rainy day. This is contrasted with production that incorporates the energy of a live band and electro-pop sounds.

Keep an eye out for IS TROPICAL as they release their new album, Black Anything, in the near future.

Words by Victoria


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