Track Review: Another You // Robert Craig Oulton


Robert Craig Oulton is a singer-songwriter hailing from Birmingham. He has gained a fanbase through playing the local Birmingham circuit, and will release the appropriately titled April Showers EP next month. As a taster he has uploaded a track, ‘Another You’, to his Soundcloud page.

The track has a distinctive lo-fi charm, the reverb on the guitar bringing a slightly ethereal sound. The raw production captures the feeling of a live performance, while the mesmerising drumming catches the listener off guard but works effortlessly.

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The lyrics could be about the protagonist adjusting to a break up, but when Oulton sings, “I can’t bring myself to find another you” the passion is felt in his voice.

Robert Craig Oulton is a gifted, promising songwriter. If he continues to write heartfelt, emotional songs that resonate with people, he is set for a bright future.

Words by Ermis Madikopoulos


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