Track Review: Another You // Robert Craig Oulton


‘Another You’ by Robert Craig Oulton immediately makes me think of The Smiths with the dreamy guitar chords in the intro, and it almost gives the song a pleasant, upbeat feel, until you hear that forlorn underlying riff creep up on you. The song is dynamic: its a constant wrestle between the two distinct guitar tones, but there’s also the dynamic contrast between the verses, still as the sea, before the build up to the storm of the chorus; an explosion of colourful sound.

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The subtly brilliant guitar solos work well with the overtone of despair in the song; they’re delicate but also very emotive and they’re not too showy or overpowering which keeps the structure of the song in balance. It’s refreshing to have little solos peppered throughout the song rather than one massive shred-sesh at the end of a song – this is no grandiose power rock anthem.

This can only be the work of an incredibly talented song-writer and musician. And, just to add the cherry on top of the cake, Robert Craig Oulton’s voice is absolutely gorgeous. We’re definitely looking forward to hearing more from him in the future.

Words by Eve Taylor


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