Track Review: All Sliced Up // Short Skirts


Five-piece punk band Short Skirts are a whirlwind of energy and charisma. Their latest track, ‘All Sliced Up’, just screams with excitement. Their garage/punk sound is highly pleasing to the ears and makes for an enjoyable song.


The song starts with some power chords from the guitar that ring out, shortly followed by the vocals. In the first section there is a catchy guitar melody which is faintly heard, which would have been good if it were louder or featured later on in the song. “Yeah I’m all sliced up / yeah I’m all messed up” the front man sings during the chorus, which makes for some rather grim ideas in contrast to the lively music. The song ends with a guitar solo, which again would’ve been better if it lasted a bit longer, especially as the song is so short already, but nonetheless it’s still a great track.

Inspired by Iggy Pop, and based in Trondheim, Norway, Short Skirts are a very promising band. Who said punk was dead? You can keep up to date with their music by following them on Twitter and listening to them on Soundcloud.

Words by Tamara


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