The Top 10 Oasis Lyrics

  1. I don’t mind / As long as there’s a bed beneath the stars that shine / I’ll be fine” – The Importance of Being Idle

From Oasis’ sixth album Don’t Believe The Truth and released in 2005, ‘The Importance of Being Idle’ turned out to be the bands last UK number 1 prior to their split in 2009. The brilliant track portrays a curious story, perhaps of a desperate man turning to various people in his life (some of whom are mentioned throughout the song) for help: his landlord, his best friend, his girlfriend. However, like the lyric above, the overall message of the song can be interpreted as a somewhat reassuring one: even if life’s not going the way you planned out, you’ll be fine in the end. The above lyric could imply that as much of a life can be had by simply appreciating the little things in life, such as the stars in the sky. No matter which way this track is interpreted, the intriguing lyrics and distinctive tune make ‘The Importance of Being Idle’ a genius piece.



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