The Top 10 Oasis Lyrics

  1. You gotta roll with it / You gotta take your time / You gotta say what you say / Don’t let anybody get in your way” – Roll With It

‘Roll With It’ is the second single from (What’s the Story?) Morning Glory? and is an immensely stimulating and catchy track. This song was released in August 1995, famously clashing with the release of their rival Blur’s hit ‘Country House’, creating what was known as “The Battle of Britpop”. Another of Oasis’ boosting and refreshing tunes, ‘Roll With It’ encourages the listener to simply go with the flow of life and be yourself – don’t let others get in your way. Much like the songs ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Star’ and ‘Whatever’, ‘Roll With It’ perfectly captures and puts across the inspirational and encouraging viewpoint that we all need reminding of sometimes.



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