Top 10 Hole Songs

  1. Doll Parts

Unsurprisingly, the number one spot on this list takes the form of Hole’s 1994 single ‘Doll Parts’, arguably the band’s most famous song as one side of love story. ‘Doll Parts’ is an ode to Love’s husband, Kurt Cobain prior to the beginning of their relationship when Love believed he liked another ‘total poser idiot girl’. Hence, lyrics such as “I fake it so real / I am beyond fake”. The acoustic track consists of only three chords and yet is able to create such a gut wrenching, awe inspiring sensation right in the pit of any human being with a soul.

“Someday you will ache like I ache” took on a more ominous meaning following Cobain’s passing, but can also serve the relatable lyrical needs of so many people lusting after somebody. Be it death, love, longing, or sadness ‘Doll Parts’ takes the spot as the ultimate Hole song due to its ability to become whatever the listener wants it to become. It is universally personal and therefore extremely rare and special.

Words by Issy Marcantonio



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