Top 10 Arcade Fire Songs

  1. Windowsill // Neon Bible (2007)

After the roaring success of their debut album Funeral, to some Neon Bible was a clear case of second album syndrome for the then relatively unknown band. However, with time it became clear that Neon Bible was another clever piece of work for a band still finding their feet in the music industry. With its dystopian look on 21st century North America and its middle finger firmly raised to the mainstream music scene, ‘Windowsill’ sees Arcade Fire’s tone become much more angry. Now, America isn’t everyone’s favourite country but the lyrics such as “I don’t want the salesman knocking at my door” and “I don’t wanna live in America no more” is quite the anti-capitalist look at the world.

However it’s this anger that fuels the enthralling, orchestral crescendo at the end of the song complete with trombones, violins, trumpets and a full accompaniment of backing singers roaring along to “I don’t wanna see it at my windowsill”. Much like the album’s reception itself, Windowsill is a slow burner that, with time, climaxes magnificently.


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