Theatre News: Scene Change Project Wraps Empty Theatres In Pink Tape


A group of stage designers have launched a project called ‘Scene Change’, which involves wrapping empty venues in bright pink barrier tape reading “Missing Live Theatre” to bring a message of hope.

They are also working to raise awareness surrounding the industry’s crisis, which does not just disappear with the first sign of restrictions being lifted- something which has proved by theatre staff around the UK being at risk of redundancy.

Photo Credit: Mihaela Bodlovic

Traditional theatre relies on a live audience-based performance style, bringing hundreds of people together for a few hours of quality entertainment. With social distancing guidelines in place, theatres had to close, with thousands of artists and employees losing their livelihood for months to come.

From 4th July 2020 onwards, the easing of the lockdown rules meant British theatres were allowed to reopen, although without live performance. This leaves buildings – usually the vibrant, lively hub of art and social interaction – empty and quiet.

The first theatre to be wrapped was the National Theatre on the South Bank in London.

Words by Regina Toth.


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