‘The Best Things Just Happen To Me.’ – How to Apply Lucky Girl Syndrome To Your Life


Early this year, Manifestation TikTok birthed a phenomenon known as Lucky Girl Syndrome. Though the phrase was in minimal use back in 2022, it was TikToker Laura Galebe who sent the concept viral, with a video about how new opportunities, “get thrown at me out of nowhere,” as a result of her new outlook.

As of March 10, #LuckyGirlSydrome has over 515 million views, with fellow Tik Tokers sharing their own successes with manifesting the concept in the comments.

But how can we manifest a concept that by design can be neither created nor controlled? The answer involves intention, mindset, and directed action. For Galebe, applying affirmations such as, “I’m so lucky,’ ‘things always work out for me,” and “the universe always has my back,” were particularly effective.

Affirmations can be helpful in reprogramming the subconscious mind which, according to Walter E. Jacobson, M.D., plays a major role in the actualisation of our lives and the manifestation of our desires.

How to apply the concept

To apply the concept, you should list some affirmations regarding how lucky you are and make reciting them a daily habit to help you internalise them. Alternatively, you can write them on post-it notes and stick them around your home, or save them to your phone.

Another way you can harness Lucky Girl Syndrome is to really, ‘manifest’ your wishes. Get specific about what you want out of life. This can be a better job, increased wealth, or having more opportunities to travel.

Be sure to either write these down, or create a vision board or poster; any method that puts your desires out into the world. Alternatively, some TikTokers swear by keeping a gratitude diary, to express thanks to the universe for the luck they have been given, as well as for the strengths and good qualities they possess.

Becoming a ‘Lucky Girl,’ won’t be a linear process, and on some days it may feel as though you have hit a wall. Maybe someone criticised your work, or maybe you spilled coffee down your favourite shirt. Within these scenarios, it can be understandable to feel as though you’re not quite so lucky after all.

The best thing to do here is to reassure yourself that this is all for the greater good, and that things happen for a reason. If you miss your bus for example, perhaps you were meant to miss it, and something great is waiting for you just around the corner.

Words by Faye Price

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