Suns Out, Guns Out: How To Stay Fit Even In Summer

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Despite what this year’s weather has given us in the UK, summer is meant to be a time of blaring heat and wine in the sun. While summer may be the only thing getting most of us through the long, dark winter, a forgotten victim of these bright days is exercise, that summer bod may remain pending if the constant sweat, sticky clothes, and heat stroke have their way. However, there are some ways to avoid these pains, some of which can even give you some extra change for a pint, or an extra hour on the sunbed.

Clothing matters!

Much to Nike’s chagrin, summer may mean that the days of jeggings and muscle-fit t-shirts are over, for now. Your best friend in winter quickly turns into your worst enemy as the figure-fitting clothes most popular for modern-day gym-goers turn into a layer of insulation trapping the heat, restricting airflow, and leaving you in a pool of your own sweat by the end of the run. Perhaps it’s time to ditch the bicep bulgers and opt for some airier more breathable options. A trusty baggy t-shirt is a classic for a reason.

Consider switching up your movement

Fitness in the modern era focuses heavily on routine and perfecting said routine, whether it’s upping your weight on a bench press or hitting that sub-5-minute-mile, we are somewhat obsessed with the idea of mastering one sect of fitness. Summer, however, has its favourites. Perhaps that marathon training can wait a month, it’s about time you use that swim membership anyway!

Think about where you exercise

On that note, maybe your favourite activity isn’t a lost cause because of the heat – consider moving indoors to an air-conned gym to run on a treadmill, or if you are used to running on roads, perhaps a park run to make use of the extra shade. No matter what the decision is, it is even more crucial in summer to be drinking water and electrolytes as often as possible to counteract the sweat which is unfortunately unavoidable.

Shift your timings

For those of us lucky enough to be a bit more flexible with timings, shifting to exercising either earlier or later in the day can be a winning ticket to staying on the fitness plan. Some of the worst times to exercise in summer lie around 10am-4pm, when not only is the sun more powerful but the crowds are starting to amass in the best exercising spots, which also so happen to be the best sunbathing spots. Whether you’re looking to run on the sand, or in the park, leaving some time in your morning or evening routine for it can save you a lot of bother when it comes to recovery and comfort.

Summer brings with it many positives for our health and fitness, earlier mornings and later nights, beautiful weather capable of motivating us to finally get those trainers on, and the joy of seeing fellow fitness fanatics out and about. However, it brings many challenges with it whether it be a constant stream of sweat or constant crowds, the good thing is that these problems can be easily managed if not avoided altogether with just a few small changes!

Words by Jamie Calder


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