Song of the Week (26th October): Sapphire // Larkins


Hot off the back of a recent run of local gigs over the past month or so, slick northern four-piece outfit Larkins have returned with their third single ‘Sapphire’ – taken from debut EP: Don’t Leave The Light On. But the question is, does it continue the progressively prolific trend that its two predecessors have set?

The band’s two previous releases have musically manoeuvred and consummately captured the essence of the season in which they were unveiled. A pulse-pounding portrayal of spring – a time during which, the year blossoms into life with a point to prove – with ‘Hit and Run’, while ‘The Tale of Cassandra’ proved a silky-sown symphony of summer. Now, rather aptly, their latest foray almost acts as a guiding light towards the impending twilight temperament of 2015. Whether it be intentional, or simply a convenient coincidence, this trend of sorts has really served to establish which elements of Larkins’ undeniable prowess, that each track is best suited to emphasise.

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This inherently autumnal aura stems from the fact that, unlike its instantly bright and buoyant brothers, ‘Sapphire’ presents itself as far more of a slow-burner – the song is not in any kind of rush to reach its awaiting crescendo. On the contrary in fact, it takes the time to gently weave through and mull over another polished measure of stirringly affirmative, yet calmly reticent lyrics.

There is no doubt that this is the band’s most broadly accomplished release yet, and is practically a tailor-made set closer. It has afforded each and every one of Josh, Dom, Henry, and Matt to truly come into their own; both artistically as individuals, as well as further cementing this – for lack of a better term – musical telepathy they appear to have as an ensemble. For a group of lads with so much potential still left untapped thus far, at this moment we still stand very much at the tip of the iceberg.

Words by Alex Graham


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