Song of the Week (13th April): Tequila // UnderLight


It’s no secret that Sheffield produces some top-quality musicians, and it seems another band have emerged from the Northern city- UnderLight. When I listen to this band, I think Sheffield meets Panic! At the Disco, with some very Foals-esque guitar, creating a unique new sound for the indie rock genre.

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Their song ‘Tequila’, starts with some chords from a guitar, before a melodic guitar comes in. A particular strong point of this song is the second, melodic guitar as it plays throughout the song, adding a second melody as well as the vocals. A lot of songs choose to only feature something like this in parts of the song, so the fact that this band have chosen to keep it in throughout is admirable. The lyrics of the track are quite relatable: “whose idea was it to drink tequila / it will never end well” the front man sings during the chorus – and I imagine that a majority of people will have had drunken regrets. Finally, there is a relatively long guitar solo, considering the total length of the song, which features the Foals-esque, note-picking guitar.

If you want to keep up to date with the five-piece, you can follow them on Twitter and listen to their music on Soundcloud.

Words by Tamara


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