Single Review: Walkaway // We Are Z


‘Walkaway’ is the second single from energetic, punk-funk melody lovers We Are Z. Their latest release has been described by the Anglo-French quintet as an exploration of ‘’matters of the subconscious mind’’. Whilst, the theatrical essence of lead singer, Gabriel Cazes, captures this battle with the Freudian perception of the mind, it is the rhythmic force of bassist, Marc Arciero (who used to play for Beyoncé!) and drummer, Guillaume Charreau that really propels this dance tune forward.


There is an aristocratic air to We Are Z, evident in their process of creation which appears to be drinking ‘’many bottles of very, very fine wine, locking the studio doors, and jamming’’. But, such a penchant for luxury is matched by their Romantic leanings, evident in Cazes’ feather-clad figure. As such, if this latest single is representative of their tentatively-titled debut album Z is not X then we can be sure to expect a surreal and wonderful auditory experience.

You can find out more about these trailblazers on their Twitter and own site.

Words by Issy Marcantonio


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