Single Review: All Smiles Over Here :) // The Garden


Californian Twins, The Garden are in full flow, stirring up the guitar scene in their local Orange County, California and beyond. The enigmatic duo are famous for their lively offering of rebelliously innovative, Lo-Fi, Garage Punk. Precise, up-tight and to the point vocals are a common theme on their unique blend of dirty punk oozing drum ‘n’ bass.

The Garden are kicking and screaming into autumn 2015 with a new offering however, one that blends all that’s good from their live performance into a studio recording! From the outset, bouncing off the walls fused energy and pace can be heard on their latest release, All Smiles Over Here.’ The track opens their soon to be released 17 track album Haha and it’s clear to see why. The track in question is sure to send you buzzing off into a pace frenzy before you even contemplate listening to the rest of the record.

The duo are part of a youthful takeover on the punk scene in California and are adored for their DIY principles and minimalist approach. Minimalist being the general consensus for their two-piece, dirty rip-roaring vibrations. The new track plunges deep into their pick ‘n’ mix set of influences, with psych undertones (the like of label mate Ty Segall), fast-paced spoken-word vocals and the usual raw punk lashes.

Most famous for their live shows, the band are set to head out on the road to promote Haha later this year with a hefty run of shows. Boasting a pedigree of Warpaint tour support in the past, as well as selling out their first two headline runs in the UK,  the band are not to be missed. ‘All Smiles Over Here’ is set to lead their latest live charge and is well judged to do it in unique Garden-esque style.

The Garden release their new LP ‘Haha’ on October 9th via Burger/Epitaph Records.

Words by Jake Marley


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