Single Review: Don’t Even Know Your Name // Deco


Staffordshire indie-pop quartet Deco released their latest single ‘Don’t Even Know Your Name’ last week; it’s a welcome 3 minutes of upbeat summery sound in the midst of everybody’s January blues.

Following in the vein of earlier Two Door Cinema Club-esque releases ‘Spain’ and ‘Sold Your Soul’, the track mixes tight, catchy riffs with deliberately unpolished group harmonies reminiscent of The Mowglis or The Wombats. An account of a hook-up on the face of it (the title says it all), the lyrics slip into the abstract at times, transporting us straight to the beach: “the sun, the sea / they’re meant to be, it’s obvious”.

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‘Don’t Even Know Your Name’ has a jubilant, almost triumphant air to it – and triumphant the band should be. After gaining airplay on BBC 6 Music and BBC Introducing, they supported fellow indie rockers Coasts on their UK tour and Depeche Mode at a Birmingham show last year.

It’s clear big things are coming up for Deco in 2015.

Words by Priya Bryant


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