The Top 20 Noel Gallagher Lyrics

  1. “All we know is that we don’t know how it’s going to be.” – ‘The Masterplan’

Look at that lyric. Read it over and over, until you absorb everything it is trying to say. ‘The Masterplan’ is the best song Noel Gallagher has ever written, easily. There’s no Oasis or Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds song that comes close to it in terms of its orchestral sound and philosophical lyrics. It’s true that the only thing we’ll ever know is the unclearness of what will happen next. You can work for something, but that doesn’t mean you can prevent what’s around the corner; nothing is determined, and as long as we live we are part of this masterplan – whomever it may belong to. I can only advise that you listen to this song the next time you’re feeling lost beyond reconciliation; it displays the unpredictability of the world while letting you know that things happen for a reason. This song is my favourite song of all time because of this.

Words by Caitlin O’Connor


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