My Life In Books: Melissa Churchill


Lord of the Flies // William Golding

lord of the fliesThis book changed my outlook on humanity forever. Ralph, Piggy and Jack illustrate three distinct personalities that are often found in classrooms across the world, however Golding portrayed a loss of innocence to chaos. Lord of the Flies frightened me because it is actually very believable, not the setting, but rather the chain of events that occurred due to a lack of order and authority. I never appreciated the importance of structure and rules within my life until I witnessed what could happen once they were taken away. I knew humans were classified as mammals, but I had always seen us as separate from the natural world. Golding showed me that this was far from the truth: we are nothing more than animals, what makes us different is we have developed a functioning society. Without it, we would simply drop into chaos and submit to ‘the beast’ within.

I had been sheltered from the crueller side of humanity before reading this novel. Before, evil was something I associated with Villains, not 12 year-old boys.



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