My Life In Books: Megan Bakewell


F**k The Radio, We’ve Got Apple Juice // Miranda Ward

f_ktheradio1F**k the Radio, We’ve Got Apple Juice is a book I’ve only read recently by Miranda Ward. The book basically delves into the music word, highly focused around an Oxford-based band, Little Fish, who have to cope with the decisions of the music world. Being an avid reader and music fan I highly suggest reading this book; not only does Ward write in a way that really intrigues the reader but she makes it seem like you’re simply having a chat over coffee. Little Fish were living the dream, they had recorded an album in LA and were signed to a major label – they even toured around the world supporting acts like Courtney Love and Blondie. Then, in early 2011, they left the record label, made a home recording studio in their garage and started doing it all for themselves. The book explores music away from the spotlight. It talks about success, values and relationships revolving around the world. It’s a quirky little book, full of eloquent insight from Ward, and it is another book with some amazing quotes in: “I don’t mean that music is (necessarily) a sort of therapy, a magic amelioration: just that when you’re sitting at your desk watching the neighbour’s cat climb a naked cherry tree, seeing the frost shimmer on the barren ground, feeling like the blood has frozen in your veins, it is sometimes beneficial to have a human voice in your ear.” I really hope Miranda Wards writes more in the future for I would definitely be first in line to read it.



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