Movie Monday (24th Nov): Jurassic Park


Title: Jurassic Park

Starring: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Sir Richard Attenborough

Synopsis: Based on Michael Crichton’s novel of the same name, Steven Spielberg’s 1993 action-packed dinosaur adventure is a classic, beloved by all cinephiles. The film invites us into the eponymous theme park, wherein eccentric millionaire John Hammond (Attenborough), has developed an ingenious way of creating real-life dinosaurs for public attraction. In order to endorse the park for the public however, he invites a group of the greatest scientific minds (Neill, Dern and Goldblum), and his own grandchildren to experience the park and certify it’s safety. Of course things soon turn nasty, as a plot by a disgruntled worker leads to the Park’s security systems being deactivated and the dinosaurs (most notably the mighty T-Rex and a group of vicious Velociraptors) start to roam free with disastrous consequence. Exciting, thrilling and just a little bit scary in places, Jurassic Park is an iconic piece of cinematic history and well worth a watch this week!

Watch if you liked: Jaws‘ or any other Spielberg Classic.

You might also want to have a watch/rewatch of this and the two sequels (though The Lost World is infinitely better than Jurassic Park 3 in this respect) in order to gear yourself up for the upcoming trailer of the latest movie to become a part of the franchise; Jurassic World, which stars Guardians of the Galaxy’s Chris Pratt and is set to be released in May next year…

Rating: 9/10 – It’s a classic!

Words by Annie


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