The Month in Games – October 2016


PlayStation VR

PlayStation takes a leap into virtual reality this month with the launch of PlayStation VR. Designed to put players right in the middle of the action in their chosen game, PlayStation VR uses the PlayStation 4 camera and in-built sensor technology to track a player’s movement in the room to guide them along. For a more interactive experience, some VR titles will also support the PlayStation Move system.

PlayStation VR comes with HDMI and USB cables, a dedicated processor unit, earbuds and connection adapters. Also included is a demo disc with eight VR titles for players to try – Driveclub VR, PlayStation VR Worlds, RIGS Mechanized Combat League, Tumble VR, Battlezone, EVE: Valkyrie, Wayward Sky and Headmaster. These games will be joined by titles including Batman: Arkham VR, Hustle Kings, Loading Human, Moto Racer 4, Rez Infinite, RIGS, Super Stardust Ultra VR, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood over the launch period and coming weeks.

PlayStation VR will be available from October 13* priced at £349.99*



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