Misheard Lyrics: Who is Lady Mondegreen?


We are all guilty of mishearing lyrics in songs and while it can be embarrassing for us, it’s also extremely amusing for those around us. Singing that one line of a song at the top of your lungs and later discovering that you were doing it completely wrong is extremely common and we are always convinced that our interpretation is correct.

Just like everything else these days, there’s a name for the act of mishearing lyrics. The name given to this particular fault is ‘Mondegreen’ which without explanation is rather peculiar. ‘Mondegreen’ is the term given to the mishearing of a word or phrase that even though makes perfect sense in our head, is completely incorrect. The name is derived from the American author Sylvia Wright, who like the rest of us has admitted to mishearing lyrics herself. Wright heard the lyrics “Ye highlands and ye lowlands / Oh where hae you been? / Thou hae slay the Earl of Murray / And Lady Mondegreen” in the Scottish Ballad, ‘The Bonny Earl o’ Murray’. It was later discovered that Lady Mondegreen only existed in Wrights mind and the correct lyrics are known to be “slay the Earl of Murray and laid him on the green.” From then on Lady Mondegreen’s name has been used to describe the mishearing of lyrics and often the mishearing of regular words too.

Mondegreen usually occur because when listening to music, we lack the visual cues to help us recognise what is being said such as the fact that we are unable to see the musicians mouth thus having no way to tell if what we are hearing is correct. We also often mistake lyrics as in music there is a lot to process due to the fact that the lyrics are often accompanied by things such as instruments and backing vocals. Most commonly there are the instances when the musician has an accent that can be difficult understand and so our brains process what we think we are hearing rather than what is actually being said.

While it is interesting to hear why Mondegreens occur, it is also extremely interesting and rather amusing to find out what other people mishear when listening to a song as to the person not experiencing the Mondegreen, the misheard lyrics can seem bizarre and frankly quite hilarious.

Here are some brilliant Mondegreens for you to enjoy from the writers here at The Indiependent:

“Invisible llama” instead of “invisible armour” – ‘Reasons Not To Be An Idiot’ by Frank Turner

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xfdGXA62ZM]

“Glorified version of a pelican” instead of “pellet gun” – ‘Glorified G’ by Pearl Jam

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2zDVPiLEy4]

“Concrete jungle wet dream tomato” instead of “Where dreams are made of” – ‘Empire State of Mind’ by Alicia Keys

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UjsXo9l6I8]

“I’ll never be your pizza burning” instead of “Beast of burden” – ‘Beast of Burden’ by Rolling Stones

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tRdBsnX4N4]

“I’ll get high” instead of  “I can’t hide” – ‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand’ by The Beatles

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipADNlW7yBM]

“We’re nut stroganoff” instead of “we’re not strong enough” – ‘Celestine’ by Spector

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk6TgpwlbiI]

“I’m living on a sexy elephant” Instead of “I’m living on such sweet nothing” – ‘Sweet Nothing’ by Calvin Harris

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ozSeGw-fY]

“Sizzling like a snail” instead of “sizzling like a snare” – ‘Summertime Sadness’ by Lana Del Rey

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVjsGKrE6E8]

“Reach out and touch face” instead of “Reach out and touch faith” – ‘Personal Jesus’ by Depeche Mode

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1xrNaTO1bI]

“I wanna see your boobs” instead of “I wanna see you, boo” –  ‘With You’ by Chris Brown

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmjdaBaZe8Y]

Words by Sophie Aitkenhead


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