Make Way for the Möngöl Hörde!

Frank Turner has released the lyrics for the songs from 'Möngöl Hörde'



Möngöl Hörde was released in 2014 after Frank Turner founded the band in 2012. Along with Turner, the Hörde consists of Ben Dawson and Matt Nasir. Dawson was also part of Turner’s earlier hardcore punk band ‘Million Dead’.
The opening track, ‘Make Way’ addresses the history of the Mongol Empire, while under the power of the great Khan Ghengis; between the years 1206 and 1227. As well as an obligatory un-dead unicorn song (a personal favourite of mine).
Frank Turner is most well-known for his folk/rock work, with albums such as Love Ire & Song, Tape Deck Heart and most recently Positive Songs for Negative People. However, Möngöl Hörde is far from folk, and a lot more lighthearted. This is wonderfully demonstrated by ‘How the Communists ruined Christmas’ and ‘Tapeworm Uprising’, a song that depicts a rebellion in Hollywood, lead by a tapeworm who grew tired of living in Natalie Portman.
The band toured the UK, playing venues such as The Institute in Birmingham, the Garage in London and King Tuts in Glasgow. Unfortunately, Möngöl Hörde played their last show at Reading Festival in 2014. Regardless, we will always have this album (now with lyrics that you can find here) to remember their great reign.
Words Zoe Cooke


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