My Life In Songs: Jake Marley


Don’t Forget Who You Are // Miles Kane

Finally, Miles Kane. A singer-songwriter from just up the coast from me. Another one that fits in to the ‘local music’ bracket that has and will continue to play a big part in my musical exploits. I’ve always followed Miles Kane’s musical projects from the early days of The Little Flames into The Rascals and then his solo career into The Last Shadow Puppets which combines two of my favourite modern musical figures and songwriters.

This song goes in for a variety of reasons, one being that memories of sweaty Miles Kane gigs just never go away and the next being my choice of work. I’ve had countless people say to me throughout my exploits in Journalism to date. “Don’t forget who you are and what you want to be”, don’t sell-out etc. so for that reason Miles Kane’s single goes in, as well as being a phenomenal tune on a superb record I’ve played countless times, it acts as a reminder to me of who I am and who I want to be.

Words by Jake Marley
Twitter: @JMarleyWrites




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