My Life in Games: Mary Helen Josephine


Left 4 Dead (2008)- PC

Left 4 dead picture for my life in gamesThe world facing the zombie apocalypse- specifically four unlikely friends with witty banter, facing the zombie apocalypse. Aside from the amazing first person shooter gameplay, Left 4 Dead introduced me to online gaming- as in, cooperatively trying to survive an apocalypse with sparse amounts of ammo and little weapon variety. Facing the facts though, without L4D I wouldn’t have a current active friends list on Steam.

Being able to play as the infected against another human team is also a fantastic feature. Once you get really good at sneaking around the infected and finding good hiding spots to camp out while you snack on some chips, I recommend turning down the game volume and listening to classical music- it makes for a very cinematic experience.

You can check out my review of L4D here if you want a more in depth explanation of why the game is so much fun to play.



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