My Life In Books: Megan Harding


The Falcon’s Malteser // Anthony Horowitz

Even as an older teenager, the mixture of goofy comedy and wit fuelling this mystery-parody book series by Anthony Horowitz never gets old. The sarcastic protagonist Nick and his older, dufus detective brother Tim (real name Herbert) navigate a slapstick-ridiculous crime trail that leads them through boxes of chocolates, Italian dwarves, and dozens of comical nods to iconic cinema (‘The Casablanca Club’, for one) that the older me appreciates to no end.

Most importantly, this book and its several sequels are hilarious, fast-paced and ingeniously clever, spawning fantastically original plots from a few gimmicky twists on a classic story. Some of the fondest memories of my childhood reading are all directly linked to these novels and the sheer happiness they bring.





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