Interview with Phillip Olagoke: Cord Ellam in West End’s ‘Oklahoma!’

Image Credit: Kate Morley PR

Rodger’s and Hammerstein’s famed musical will be playing at the Wyndham’s theater from 16 February to 2 September. Billed as a ‘re-orchestrated and reimagined’ take and fresh off of successful runs in both New York and, most recently, the Young Vic. The Indiependent sat down with Phillip Olagoke, playing Cord Ellam in the new run, to discuss the role, lassos

The Indiependent: What drew you to the role of Cord Elam? What should an audience know about this character?
Phillip Olagoke: I was drawn to the role of Cord primarily because of the beautiful storyline that’s been drawn out
through the text by Daniel and it felt like a great opportunity to be part of such a vivid story. I think
Cord Elam is a man of integrity and stands by the phrase, what you see is what you get and has
strong morals that can be seen clearly in the second act.
How do you feel about being part of the West End Production?
I feel absolutely privileged to be a part of this production and to be a part of the beautiful journey it’s
been on.
In your words, how is this version of ‘Oklahoma!’ different from the previous iterations?
I think this production of ‘Oklahoma!’ really plays on the darkness and just focuses on real people
being in conversation and listening to each other and working through conflict, whether that conflict
is solved is another matter!
Why should people in the UK, some of whom may not have visited Oklahoma, least of all the
United States, see this play?

The show is fun, gripping and humorous. You could have just discovered Americans existed
today and still understand the story!

After appearing in ‘Oklahoma!’ do you have any plans to visit the state of Oklahoma? If so, what
would you do there?

I haven’t left the UK in many years, so absolutely! I’d love to learn to use a lasso and just have a
whole cowboy experience if that’s on offer!

What’s the best number in the show (and why)?

My personal favourite is ‘Lonely Room’. First, it’s a well written song. However, it’s mostly because of the
performance given by Patrick Vaill (who plays Jud Fry) through it.

Words by Jordan Cracknell

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