Interview: The Rah’s


The Rah’s are a Scottish band making waves following support slots with the likes of The View and The Fratellis. They’re back and better than ever with their latest sonic offering ‘Our Design’ and ‘If You Never Try (You’ll Never Know)’, set for release on 4 May.

Their debut album When Does It Become Real was released at the beginning of May, and the new double single package shows the band are on a relentless mission to send out track after track into the world. With their raucous rock attitude packed tight into delightful punchy cuts, The Rah’s are set to steadily rise throughout the music scene.

Chatting with the band following on from their latest double release, we found out about their influences, creative process, and dream collaboration.

The Indiependent: Before we jump into the music, what’s the meaning of your band name? Where did it come from?

Like most amazing stories the band name came from a drunken night. We wrote a lot down and for some reason ’The Rah’s’ just stuck. Once we actually looked into the meaning of ‘rah’ we found it’s basically the complete polar opposite of what we are and what we stand for. When picking the name we didn’t really know what it meant but it looked good on paper so we made it ours.

The Indiependent: Has music always been a big part of your lives?

I would say music has been a huge part in all our lives. Music is very fitting for all types of moods whether you’re happy or sad, wanting to get up for a challenge, or even sitting in the house chilling, there is a song for every moment. Being able to create our own music to fit into these moments just makes it even more special. 

The Indiependent: We love your new tracks! Talk to us about ‘Our Design’! What’s the story behind it?

‘Our Design’ is one of the newest tracks written on the album. When the riff first came to light we all knew it was going to be one of our favourites. When writing the lyrics Jack thought it would be fitting for the track to be written about our journey as a band, the ups and downs, the creation of our debut album, and the efforts we have put in along the way. We wanted it to stand out and be a statement track. This track is our story but can also be perceived differently by listeners.

The Indiependent: ‘If You Never Try (You’ll Never Know)’ is a phenomenal song. What’s the process that goes into writing and recording a new tune?

This song has been with us for a long period now. We have taken it to various studios and it’s been chopped and changed throughout the years, so regarding the process with this, it’s been on it’s own journey. The majority of the time our songs are created from a guitar riff, or just a general jam in rehearsals; this was how this track was created away back in 2015 and it has progressed with us as a band.

The Indiependent: What’s it like to have shared the stage with such esteemed acts as The View and The Fratellis? 

It’s a great sense of achievement. It’s moments like those we will remember forever when looking back on it all. Meeting and playing alongside bands with such a big profile is a great platform for us to gain new followers, especially when the bands are of a similar genre.

The Indiependent: Would you say these are two bands you look up to?

We have definitely been inspired and influenced by them, maybe indirectly, but with them both being Scottish we looked up to them for sure.

The Indiependent: Are there any other genres and artists that inspire your music?

We collectively have our own personal favourites bands and guilty pleasures. I think that’s what makes our sound and genre so varied. 

The Indiependent: What are you most excited about in terms of your upcoming tour?

Getting back on the road to play our debut album live is going to be some feeling. We have been waiting for this moment for some time, the pandemic has delayed it even further so we are going to make this extra special when it comes around!

The Indiependent: What have you missed most about being able to perform live?

I’d say the energy, the feeling we get from performing live is unbeatable. 

The Indiependent: How do you think fans will react to the new tracks in a live setting?

There’s a few tracks from the album we are yet to play live so we are just as excited as the fans, to be honest! If the Edinburgh sell out is anything to go by then I think we’re in for a great reception.

The Indiependent: For anyone who hasn’t come into contact with ‘The Rah’s’ what three words would you use to describe your sound?

Rock melodic greatness.

The Indiependent: Lastly, who would you dream musical collaboration be? (Mine would be Wolf Alice and Slaves)

I’d say the Arctic Monkeys, only because we probably covered 50% of their back catalogue when we were teenagers. It would be good see if we could drink them under the table.

‘Our Design’ and ‘If You Never Try (You’ll Never Know)’ are set for release on 4 June.

Interview conducted by Alannah Williams

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