In anticipation of the release of a new EP, The Indiependent recently had a chat with the Mia Wallace of Scotland, Ms. Luna Webster. One half of the electronic duo Old Barber whose track ‘Prism (Part One) ‘ is premièring today on the site, Webster also finds time to record dark and sultry sounds under her own name.
THE INDIEPENDENT: It’s been almost two years since the release of your previous EP with Old Barber, UFO Phil. How has your sound developed since then as a duo?
I think me and Taylor have both developed our own tastes and interests to a certain extent. My influences are quite well rounded now so rather than me just being like “oh I want to sound like this band” I have an idea in my head of my own sound. Taylor has also fine tuned his own skills when it comes to production and we are on the same wavelength about how we want to sound because of that. When we started writing the EP I said I wanted it to sound like Kylie meets Death Grips meets Jamie XX. But then me and Taylor both got obsessed with Abba and I really immersed myself in 80s electronica and the visuals of 70s disco and PC Music and that kind of thing began to totally fascinate me. Generally I think I’ve learned that sounding cheesy is often a very good thing and the best way to have fun making music.
THE INDIEPENDENT: Old Barber has such a strong visual element as seen in your video production and EP artwork – what inspires this psychedelic use of colour and image?
Well firstly among his many talents Taylor is a film maker so our choices are often looked at from a visual perspective. I personally am really interested in the idea of retro futurism, which is basically what people thought the aesthetics of the future would be like in the 60s and 70s. When retro futurism is done in film and fashion there’s all these crazy patterns and glittery things and it’s so fantastic to look at. I’ve been the biggest Bowie fan since I was a tiny child too so space is a huge concept that never fails to give me ideas. Though this will still be present in the visual elements of our new release, I’ve been watching a lot of Top of the Pops 1981 specials recently and they use these crazy low budget effects and colourful lights and graphics which I really want to channel into the music video we are planning for Prisms just now.
THE INDIEPENDENT: ‘Prisms’, a track from the upcoming EP is being premiered today on the site, how representative is it of your new work and how would you describe it?
‘Prisms (Part 1)’ is the song we are giving people a first listen to because it’s the best example of what Old Barber’s sound is which is now this mix of all kinds of genres and concepts that becomes perfect pop. I think Prisms is perfect pop, and a great way to introduce the rest of our new EP. This EP is dancier and cheerier than UFO Phil was and every time I hear Prisms especially I just want to dance around in dimly lit rooms with fairy lights and candles and drink cherry lambrini. That is how I want pop music to make me feel and I hope other people want that from us too.
Listen to ‘Prisms’
Audio Player
THE INDIEPENDENT: As you also perform as a solo artist, what would you say is different about creating music in a duo? Is the process dissimilar to the one you undertake in your solo endeavours?
When you’re working as a duo it’s completely different. I always find actually communicating what I want in the music quite hard as I’m used to my ideas just staying as thoughts in my head until I release something. When I’m talking to Taylor about my thoughts on production in particular I say “thingy” and “stuff” all the time. There’s a level of trust required in giving opinions and sharing concepts and just getting the work done in general – it’s never a problem though as me and Taylor are completely on the same wavelength and we both believe in each other’s abilities.
THE INDIEPENDENT: How do you decide whilst you’re writing lyrics what you want to save for your solo work and which would be best suited to Old Barber?
Oh, my solo stuff is completely different. As I’ve grown with my solo music I’ve learnt it’s angstier, saucier, grungier, heavier and quite literal. I would never release another Luna Webster recording played on an acoustic guitar. Luna Webster stuff is more emotional. I began playing solo in the first place as a way to vent my feelings and in all honesty that’s still what it is today. When I write for Old Barber it’s still my emotions but in a more abstract way. I have more fun with it than I do with my solo stuff as it’s not nearly as serious.
THE INDIEPENDENT: After releasing 5 EP’s as a solo artist, are you thinking about working on putting together an album in 2016?
I used to think I wanted to record an album but I’m not so sure these days. I prefer the idea of releasing little EPs because they’re snapshots of what I can do and show how I change in terms of myself and my skills from month to month, year to year. An album is such a commitment to make. I would do an Old Barber album but not a solo one.
THE INDIEPENDENT: In between making music you also run a site called Have I Got News For Youth, focused on delivering political news and analysis to young people. What led you to start the site?
I was studying journalism at college and was always a big contributor in our class political debates. I found writing and talking about politics was really exciting – especially as this was around the time of the referendum and the lead up to the general election. I realised though that the only time me and my classmates and presumably many other young people across the UK could really share and learn about politics was in educational institutions. There was so many tv shows like have I got news for you and mock the week and question time that saw these debates and conversations but none of them seemed to feature anyone below the age of 30. There was also a lot of politicians talking at 18-24 year olds for votes rather than talking with them about what they want. Have I Got News For Youth was a platform for 16-24 year olds to write political and societal news stories, opinion pieces, share their podcasts, videos, and provide informative unbiased information to help them in the run up to the election. Post election and post me going to university I lost my way with it somewhat, it’s hard to do all that sub editing and formatting by yourself. But in the run up to the Holyrood elections I plan to continue in a big way with the site as it is my baby and it was so popular when it was first out! it’s had well over, like, 50,000 views now.
THE INDIEPENDENT: You’re a solo artist, a band member, a journalist, and a student. Please tell us some of your tips for productivity!
See people always say to me that I’m productive but I don’t feel it a lot of the time. I am a proper tv show binge watcher. Besides that though I feel useless when I’m not creating something. It’s just how I am – my creativity gives me my identity really. I’m at my most creative when I’m at my healthiest. I run and swim a few times a week and I walk everywhere. I eat a lot of fruits like pineapple and pomegranate and kiwi. Things like a clean flat, nice smelling candles and colourful food always make me work more. I also recommend Lush Whoosh shower jelly. You can’t force creativity though, it has to come naturally, you can just make your surroundings nicer to be productive in. The best way to be full of ideas is to surround yourself with people who also want to create – without seeing it as a competition, comparing yourself to others totally sucks productivity out of you – and to remember how important positivity is. Everyone has a goal of some sort. If you think at some point that is a reasonable and achievable goal, then work a little bit towards it every day. No matter how small.
THE INDIEPENDENT: Last but not least, when can we look forward to the release of the new EP?
The new Old Barber EP is basically finished and will be out within a matter of weeks. There will be a video for Prisms in a matter of months too. I can’t wait!
Interview Questions and Words by Issy Marcantonio
To hear more Old Barber, check out their Bandcamp. If you want to keep up with Luna, make sure to follow her on Twitter.