Who Inspires You? – Part 2


Sophie McEvoy: Dave Grohl


I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for Dave Grohl. I say that a lot, and am met with disdain most of the time. But it’s true. If eleven year old me hadn’t come across ‘Learn to Fly’ on TV and subsequently found a genre of music I could call my own, then I’d be unrecognisable now.

There are a lot of aspects of Grohl that I admire – too many to list here. But the root of this admiration has always been his passion for all things music. I saw myself in Grohl; both growing up in the suburbs, both finding and connecting to music that not a lot of people could connect to and ultimately finding our place in the world. He found it through DC Hardcore, and I found it through him – ultimately leading me to becoming enthralled by DC Hardcore too, and a dozens of other genres within the Rock & Roll realm.


Feature compiled by James Dudley/ @James71953


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