Who Inspires You? – Part 2


Samuel Anga: Muhammad Ali


“I’M YOUNG, I’M HANDSOME, I’M FAST, I’M PRETTY AND CAN’T’ POSSIBLY BE BEAT!” Muhammad Ali  exploded into the boxing scene in the 60’s with a brash mouth and an incredibly insane persona that earned him both hate and love from many boxing fans at the time. A self-proclaimed poet, boxer and philosopher, his virtually unmatched skill made him an infamous superstar. It’s easy to label him a villain, but no one can deny the excitement and amusement that he induced. His spontaneous energy and Islamic faith also led to him being a brave spokesperson for black people during times of high racial tension, expressing angst that few other celebrities of his stature could. From his highly publicised friendship with Malcolm X to his refusal to be conscripted into the US army during the Vietnam war, he was a very controversial, but outspoken figure and whether or not I respect everything he did, I am always thrilled and inspired by his devotion to excellence and search for justice.



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