Who Inspires You? – Part 2


Our inspirations are what drive us forward. They encourage us to make certain decisions, to pick certain paths. Inspirations can come in a vast array of forms, but one of the most common is people. This is part two in a collection of people who inspire us here at the Indiependent. You can read part one here.

Ben Hawkins: Owen Jones


During my early teen years, I began to take an increasing interest in politics, and the important decisions that steered UK society. Whilst watching an episode of Question Time at the age of around 14, I saw a then-Independent journalist named Owen Jones. Unlike the rest of the panel, he wasn’t corrupted by right-wing ideals, quietened by ageist mockery or ever willing to back down in the face of the Tories. His confident, articulated personality was refreshing, and became one of my main sources of inspiration for my decision to pursue a career in journalism. Whether he was using social media to a clever advantage, or writing cynical, hard-hitting pieces about important issues (e.g. the toxicity of nationalism; the demonization of the lower class), I knew that a person with such energetic debating skills and powerfully extensive knowledge was exactly the type of person I aspired to be.



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