Gaming News: TGS 2015 – New trailers début for Final Fantasy XV


Two new trailers have been released by Square Enix, taking a look at Final Fantasy XV’s story and development.

In the Dawn Trailer 2.0, the narrative is teased as we see Noctis and Luna both reflecting on their paths to this point and how they have been driven and shaped by tragedy. Noctis readies for the journey he and his comrades are about to take and Luna is restricted by events in Niflheim.

For those who are looking for a glimpse into the game’s development, there is the Location Hunting clip, showing how game designers scouted various location and how some of those locations have translated into the game with glimpses of gameplay mixed into the scouting footage.

Final Fantasy XV is scheduled to be released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2016.

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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