Gaming News: Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield Details Announced


The Pokemon Company have revealed more details about the upcoming Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. In a new Pokemon Direct released today (June 5), it was announced that the titles will be released on November 15, 2019.


As well as the release date, fans a got a more in-depth look at the new region of Galar, as well as some of the new Pokemon players would be able to interact with – including the sheep Pokemon Wooloo, the flower Pokemon Gossifleur as well as its evolution Eldegoss and the biting Pokemon Drednaw.


The two Legendary Pokemon for the titles were also unveiled with the wolf types of Zacian revealed for Pokemon Sword and Zamazenta for Pokemon Shield.


Fans also got a look at some of the new features, which include complete camera control while exploring the region, wild areas between cities full of an ever-changing array of Pokemon, multiplayer online Max Raid Battles and Dynamax – new giant, supersize Pokemon to battle.


Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield will be available on Nintendo Switch from November 15. Watch the Pokemon Direct in full below.



Words by Megan Roxburgh


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