Gaming News: Pokemon Go into Reality

©The Pokemon Company/Nintendo

Nintendo have announced a new title – Pokemon GO! – which will see the monsters enter reality.

While cities such as Tokyo, Paris and New York have served as inspiration for virtual maps in the past, this new title will see players have their own adventures in their own worlds. Partnering with Niantic – a company which specialises in creating location aware and augmented reality games – this game will allow players to search for Pokemon using their phones/mobile devices. They will also be able to train, trade and battle them against players in their locales.

In addition to the game – which will be free to play on iOS and Android in 2016 – a special device will be released to help players along. Pokemon GO! Plus will use the Bluetooth capability on smartphones to act as a detector/notifier for Pokemon and will feature a one button capture system.

Pokemon GO! Will be available to play on iOS and Android from 2016. Watch the first trailer below.

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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