Gaming News: Halo Wars 2 Trailer Released


Fans got a new look at the upcoming sequel.

343 Industries have release a new trailer for Halo Wars 2. In the trailer, players get a first look at the game’s primary antagonist – Atriox. A former enslaved brute, Atriox has broken free of the control of the Covenant and is now the leader of the Banished – a group of fearsome mercenaries.

In addition to the new footage, 343 Industries studio head Dan Ayoub confirmed at The Game Awards that players who pre-order Halo Wars 2: Ultimate Edition will be granted preview access to Halo Wars: Definitive Edition from December 20. This enhanced edition will come with improved graphics, new Achievements and all of the DLC included.

It had previously been confirmed at E3 in June that the two games would also be available as a bundle with the Halo Wars 2: Ultimate Edition when the game is released in 2017.

Halo Wars 2 is scheduled to be released on Xbox One and PC on February 21 2017. Watch the trailer below.

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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