Gaming News: EA Conference at EA Play


Battlefield 1

After the successful début of the first official trailer, fans were given a more in-depth look at the upcoming Battlefield 1. Set during World War One, players will be able to take part in large scale battles across various global locations, both in single and multi-player modes. Using weapons of the era, including biplanes, trench clubs and bolt-action rifles, players will have more open environments to do battle during the campaign. In addition, the environments will be fully destructible and the game’s developers have stated that the battles won’t be the same for each player.

There was also a look at the game-play for the multi-player. Players on this mode will be able to join squads with other players to take part in 64 player matches – the first of which was live-streamed by EA after the conference. Those who are Battlefield Insiders will also be able to gain access to the game’s Beta later in the summer.

Battlefield 1 will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC from October 21 2016. Watch a trailer below.

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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