Gaming News: E3 2016 – Ubisoft Conference


Watch Dogs 2

Following on from the official reveal prior to the show, fans got a more in-depth look at Watch Dogs 2 at the Ubisoft conference. After an introduction from the in-game hacker collective DedSec, Creative Director Jonathan Morin took to the stage to narrate the first game-play demo. Featuring the new lead character, Marcus Holloway, the mission shown involved Marcus and other DedSec members obtaining information about a corrupt official before it is destroyed.

The demo showcased one of many options for completing a mission, with a mix of stealth and close quarters combat. Players were also shown an extended look at the world of Watch Dogs 2 with Ubisoft also confirming that plans were still in motion to create a film based on the games in the future. There was also the announcement that players on PlayStation 4 would be able to receive Watch Dogs 2 DLC 30 days earlier than other platforms.

Watch Dogs 2 will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC from November 15. Watch the game-play demo below.



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