Gaming News: E3 2016 – Bethesda Conference



Following up from the success of the recent launch, Bethesda confirmed details of some updates coming to Doom in the coming weeks. Multi-player will get several new modes added for free in the coming weeks. These include Exodus, a capture the flag contest, and a hold mode named Sector. There will also be three free-for-all modes and a classic death match mode. Doom SnapMap will also receive some updates as well. New construction modules, props, weapons, items and logic options will be available to users along with new functionality and better access to content in the SnapMap hub.

There was also details of the first paid DLC package for Doom. Scheduled for release in July, Doom: Into the Evil will feature three new multi-player maps – Offering, Cataclysm and Ritual, more customisation options for marines, new equipment and hack modules. There will also be the Harvester, a new player controlled demon, and a new weapon – the UAC EMG Pistol. For those looking to try Doom for the first time, Bethesda also confirmed that the first level of the game will be available for free on platforms, but that the offer will only apply until the end of E3.

Watch the Doom presentation below.



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