Gaming News: Gamescom 2015 – EA Briefing


Star Wars – Battlefront and Old Republic

star wars ea

Further expanding the galaxy far, far away are two large scale games that will bring fans that little bit deeper into the wars between the Empire and the Rebels.

In Knights of the Fallen Empire, players can further expand the world of the Old Republic with their own characters and with a few new ones – most notably the Outlander. A veteran of the wars, this figure’s path is shaped by the player as they progress. Choosing their side in the force, recruiting comrades to help them fight though this new world. This game will be the first chapters in a new episodic format story to add a new dimension to the game, which will be free to subscribers on launch. For those who subscribe to the game during Gamescom week, there is also another new character to add to the fray: legendary gunslinger Nico O’Carr, who was briefly shown in game.

For Battlefront, there was the world première of Fighter Squadron. This epic 20 person multiplayer adds aerial combat and chase missions to this title. Demo gameplay showed an epic battle between TIE Fighters and X-Wings, switching between the sides as they try to help (or destroy) an Imperial Shuttle. Among the ships available in this mode will be the iconic Millenium Falcon (seen briefly at the end of the demo) To finish off, there was another look at Battlefront as a whole, taking in locales around the galaxy and film series such as Hoth and Endor, to keep players excitedly waiting for the game’s November release date.



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