EXCLUSIVE: Free Things // Oli Hannaford


Newcomer Oli Hannaford, originally from Devon, has been making waves in the past few months, having performed a live session for BBC Introducing, and winning the Jack Wills Young Brits award for creativity. ‘Creative’ is certainly the word to describe his debut single ‘Free Things’, premiering exclusively on The Indiependent.

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Hannaford creates a massive sound, dabbling in various dance genres and adding elements of jazz and the soulful style of chart-toppers like Sam Smith. This eclectic approach can be a little disorienting, but as a whole the track leaves a defiant impression, creating its own dark soundscape as Hannaford urges the listener to “feel these free things”. Having recently signed to London label Downtown Artists, Hannaford certainly has big things in his future; this debut – a must for gym playlists everywhere – is a promising start for the singer.

Oli will be playing a show at London’s Bedroom Bar on 3rd November (with free entry!) – in the meanwhile, keep up to date on his website.


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